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Cyber Bites

Coordinated International Law Enforcement effort takes down dark web drug traffickers

Operation SpecTor, a joint effort by the FBI, Europol, Eurojust, and law enforcement agencies in eight foreign countries, has led to the seizure of $53.4 million dollars in cash and cryptocurrency, almost a ton of drugs, and the arrest of 288 individuals for trafficking fentanyl and other drugs on the dark web.

In the U.S., SpecTor investigations involved the FBI, DEA, ATF, and more than 30 U.S. Attorneys’ offices. 153 of the 288 arrests were in the United States.

Our Team at Security Snapshot often do Cybersecurity presentations to help investors understand some of the cyber risks they, as well as their Financial Advisors, face. We are guaranteed to get this question from the audience, “Why isn’t Law Enforcement doing something about this?”

The information above suggests the question would be better: "Why are they not doing more?”

I think the answer is in the enormity of the effort involved. Operation SpecTor began in October of 2021 and required coordinated efforts of law enforcement agencies in Austria, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Poland, Brazil, the United Kingdom, and Switzerland.

U.S. Attorney General Garland summed it up well.

You can try to hide in the furthest reaches of the internet, but the Justice Department will find you and hold you accountable for your crimes.

Source: United States Justice Department

The prior two initiatives were named DisrupTor and DarkHunTor. Any bets on the next one being InterrupTor ?

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